Premium Igloo
- Beds: 2+1
- 19.2 m2
- Total 49 Glass Igloos
- Air-conditioning and floor heating
- Bathroom with shower in every igloo
- Tablet with Aurora Alarm and chat connection to the reception
- Minibar, kettle, tv, heated glass ceiling, bathrobes, hair dryer

Premium Igloo with Sauna
- Beds: 2+1
- 23.2 m2
- Total 10 Glass Igloos
- Air-conditioning and floor heating
- Bathroom with shower in every igloo
- Own sauna in every igloo
- Tablet with Aurora Alarm and chat connection to the reception
- Minibar, kettle, tv, heated glass ceiling, bathrobes, hair dryer
A Premium igloo with sauna can be connected with a Premium igloo with alcove with a connecting door.
Premium Igloo with Alcove
- Beds: 4+1
- 28.2 m2
- Total 10 Glass Igloos
- Air-conditioning and floor heating
- Bathroom with shower in every igloo
- Alcove with two beds as an extra bedroom
- Tablet with Aurora Alarm and chat connection to the reception
- Minibar, kettle, tv, heated glass ceiling, bathrobes, hair dryer
A Premium igloo with alcove can be connected with a Premium igloo with sauna with a connecting door.
Premium Igloo with Hot Tub
- Beds: 2+1
- 19.2 m2
- Total 2 Glass Igloos with Hot Tub
- Air-conditioning and floor heating
- Bathroom with shower in every igloo
- Tablet with Aurora Alarm and chat connection to the reception
- Minibar, kettle, tv, heated glass ceiling, bathrobes, hair dryer